Meleah Maynard, Mograph.com
Jayse Hansen is known for his future-forward design and animation of computer interfaces, holograms, HUDs, and medical simulations for blockbuster film franchises such as Marvel’s The Avengers, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Wars, and The Hunger Games. His designs advance and clarify storylines in films like Batman v Superman, Star Trek: Beyond, Ender’s Game, Big Hero 6, and Top Gun: Maverick.
Digital Production Buzz writes: “From designing R2-D2’s holographic ‘map to Luke Skywalker’ to Iron Man’s holograms and heads-up displays, Jayse Hansen has created iconic user interfaces that define how we view the future and help tell the stories we love.”
_Subject Matter Expert
Navy 2043, Future Vision Concepts
Holographic Multi-tiered Faster-Than-Realtime COP planning and Future F-35 AR Cockpit Designs/Animations
Top Gun Team, Navy NAWC, NIWC, Soapbox
Principle Spatial UX Research Scientist VIII
Army Futures Command/Army Research Labs
Human Performance Augmentation, Emerging Spatial HCI, Future Casting of Indirect Vision / Volumetric Spatial UI/UX Design for VR/AR/XR AI + Human Teaming Platforms
Iron Man HUD/Marvel UI Subject Matter Expert
Disney Imagineering/Marvel STATION Experiences + various VR and 2D games, toys, commercials spinoffs and future lands.
Star Trek Picard SE 2+3: Military Holographic UI Advisor
Images on Screen, Todd A. Marks, with Micheal Okuda
Darkstar: Future-Gen High-Altitude Jet Cockpit HUD/UI Designer/Advisor
Paramount Pictures, with Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Division
Extended, Executive Producer & UI HUD Advisor
Robot Genius
Next Gen/Future Jet Holographic HUD Designer and Advisor
Disneytoon Studios, Toby Wilson
_Real World
Various Special Projects UI/UX/HCI Design for XR HMD and Volumetric Holographic UIs.
Special Forces HUD, SEAL Paratrooper/Ground Multi-Mode UX Design, HCI
Dev Jack Cloud, Naval Special Warfare, US Special Operations Command (SOCOM)
Human-Machine Teaming with Robotic Autonomous Systems (RAS)
Jack Cloud, Naval Special Warfare, Future Concepts and Innovation Directorate (N9), US Special Operations Command (SOCOM)
Artificial Intelligence for Small Unit Maneuver (AISUM)
Jack Cloud, Naval Special Warfare, Future Concepts and Innovation Directorate (N9), US Special Operations Command (SOCOM)
Intuitive, Da Vinci Robotic-Assisted Surgical Systems UI Consultant
for Minimally Invasive Surgical UX, Mike Hanuschik
NGCV Next Generation Combat Vehicle (Tank), Indirect Vision Systems (HMD), Volumetric Spatial UI/UX Dev
Jeff Hansberger, Army Research Laboratory
Air Superiority VR/AR Demonstrator, Volumetric Tactical Situation Display Design/Dev
Air Dominance, Northrop Grumman
Next-Gen Cross-Domain Multi-Spectrum Comms UX/Design Spectrum Dominance,
Jack Cloud, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)
Virtual Reality Spatial Ai+UI for Exploited Media Analysis, Triage & Sense-making
Jeff Hansberger, RDECOM Army Development and Engineering Command, Army Future’s Command
Augmented Reality Transparent Volumetric Spatial 3D OS Development
with Meron Gribetz, Steve Mann, Carolyn Farino, Steve Feiner, Meta AR
Air and Space Operations UX/Design, Time Sensitive Targets, Combat Search and Rescue, ISR
Jack Cloud, Air and Space Operations Center (AOC)
Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) / Augmediated Reality Next-Gen Fighter Jet Cockpit Volumetric UI Design/Dev
Jack Cloud, NGAD, Northrop Grumman System.

SxSW | IEEE, Austin, Texas
Adobe Stage NAB | Las Vegas, NV
MGLA | Los Angeles, CA
FMC | Tel Aviv, Israel
Pushing UI Boundaries | Various Private Co’s Worldwide
Maxon | Kyoto and Tokyo Keynotes, Japan
Wearables Tech Expo | Tokyo, Japan
After Effects World Keynote | Seattle, WA
Los Angeles Unified School District | CA
CSN Media Fest | Las Vegas, NV
Apple | NAB, Las Vegas, NV
DV Core Conference | New Yorke, NY
Future Media Concepts | Various, Worldwide
AWE Keynote | Augmented World Expo | San Francisco, CA
Meta Vision | Los Angeles / San Francisco, CA
CG Event | Moscow, Russia
Maxon | Barcelona, Spain
LVL UP Expo | Las Vegas, NV
Adobe Panel w/Andrew Kramer | Las Vegas, NV
FUI at Comic Con | Las Vegas, NV
FUI at Comic Con | San Diego, CA